Dirty Grandpa poster
70% 30%
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Dirty Grandpa

The movie revolves around the relationship of a grandfather with his grandson and all the things they encounter when they reunite several years later. Jason Kelly reunites with his grandfather Dick when he attends the funeral of his grandmother. After forty years of marriage, Dick is a widowed now. When Jason and Dick meet, they realize how close they were and how time has changed everything and drifted them apart.

Dick asks Jason to drive him to Boca Raton in Florida from Georgia, to which Jason agrees. The two begin their journey to Florida, where Jason realizes that all these years have not changed a single thing in his grandpa while Dick asks Jason about his passion of photography and seeing the entire world which he left for his job. As they go together, on their way, they experience the craziest things and Jason finds his true love in Shadia, whom he meets on the Daytona Beach.

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