Tom of Finland poster
71% 29%
10 4

Tom of Finland

Action Drama movie "Tom of Finland", based on real events, begins to develop at a time when Touko Laksonen gets a chance to return to their homeland after many years of absence, held outside the country. He was a participant in World War II and rose to the rank of honorary officers. Touko no longer remembers how people live outside of the cruel and bloody battles. His grip of painful memories, but do not understand. In their eyes he is a brilliant hero has an impeccable reputation.

Life in Finland for Touko turns bleak and sad. He has witnessed the social changes and the persecution of many people whose view of traditional relationship differs from generally accepted norms. Touko watching society crushes on them and makes live life differently than they would like. And then he takes the creativity, thanks to which the protagonist turns splash out all their accumulated emotions and express protest against developments in society.

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