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Saving Mr. Banks

The plot of the Comedy Drama "Saving Mr. Banks" based on a true story from the life of the famous American artist-cartoonist, filmmaker, producer and screenwriter of Walt Disney, who for more than twenty years trying to get the right to favorite story book "Mary Poppins." In 1934 year publication of the book "Mary Poppins" has brought success and fame of the English writer Pamela Lyndon Travers. After reading the book Walt Disney wanted to adapt the book and even promised their daughters that certainly takes this amazing story on the screen.

However, to get the film rights for the novel turned out to be a very complicated case, prolonged for twenty years. The author of the book, an Englishwoman Travers proved inflexible special with a difficult character. The negotiations ended with the refusal of the writer. All the best offers and conditions for sale of the rights denied, but Travers twenty Disney still managed to convince the writer to come to Los Angeles for personal meetings and conversations. The truth is that Walt Disney had not even imagined that after long years of negotiations, visit writer will make even more difficulties.

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