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Ocean's Eleven

Comedy "Ocean's Eleven" is a remake of the 1960 film the namesake year. The plot of the movie was released from prison and conman fraudster Danny Ocean without having to go beyond the gates, is already planning a Grand Online Casino Heist. Danny planned to rob the three largest casino in Las Vegas, are on the same network and owned by a possessive and cruel Terry Benedict, who met with ex-wife Danny-Tess.

But one big scam him not turn. In a matter of hours, he gathers a team of friends, professionals and develop a plan. So Danny is estimated, they steal from the store 150 million dollars. However, this amount of money is not something that reliably and under unrealistic new and reliable security system. The robbery plan has been worked out to the smallest detail, is calculated by time-sekundno. Company of ocean's eleven, including Danny commits an audacious robbery and plucks a big winner.

Cheerful, dynamic film "Ocean's Eleven" enjoy viewers not only fascinating story on the theme of a robbery, but the stellar acting composition, which consists of: George Clooney, Delirium Pitt, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Casey Affleck and Julia Robetrs.

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